Free Fire Tales | Motion Comic - Tatsuya and Shirou's Story

The Garcia Brothers Knock Out Their Enemies | 2.5D Parallax animation

Grizeldo and toy warders Compositing | 2.5D Animation

Queen animation | Step by step

Shiro walking through the Griza Museum | Character rigging and environment compositing

The Garcia Brothers Knock Out Their Enemies | Character rigging and animation

Queen's henchman 1 | Character rigging

Queen's henchman 2 | Character rigging

Shiro and Queen recognize each other | Character rigging and animation

Tatsuya attacks his enemy | Character rigging

Shiro and Tatsuya ready to fight | Character rigging and animation

Queen insults the Garcia brothers

Shiro Garcia arrives at the Griza Museum | character rigging and animation

Shiro looking at the statue of Mr. Mark | Environment compositing

Griza City Compositing | 2.5D Parallax animation

Shiro and Tatsuya ready to fight | Environment compositing

Free Fire Tales | Motion Comic - Tatsuya and Shirou's Story

Client: Garena
Studio: Notan Studio
Hey everyone!! I'm excited to finally be able to show you the new project released by Freefire that I've been working on for the last few months. It’s been an incredible collective effort and I’m really proud to be part of such a talented and dedicated team! Here I am showing you the main tasks that I contributed to in this motion comic. Hope you like!!!
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